Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ugh, rain

That has to be the most selfish sentiment ever! :)

Everyone else in the area is cheering for the rain over the last few days, as it's doing wonders for the smouldering fires on both sides of the hill and refilling empty water tanks.  The problem for me is that I've got bare naked plywood on my roofs, and the rain is going to ruin it in no time flat.

So I've gotta get tin up, and fast.

I've been intending to get all the Hebel panels up before I have the tin installed, but with the end of summer fast approaching and the increasing amount of rain we're seeing I just can't wait that long. At my current rate of progress, it'll be Easter before I get it all done.

So, instead I'm going to have to get the tin up, and then lift bits of it when I come to install the Hebel. This is a long way from ideal, but I've really got no other choice.

The other thing I really, really have to do pronto is order my windows. This is something I've been procrastinating over for a few months, as these are one of the single biggest-ticket items in the whole build. I'll see very little change out of twenty thousand dollars, and that's without stainless fly screens or steel fire shutters. For this sort of money I can't help but to think about constructing them myself, but who am I kidding, that would take me months I don't have...

We need doors, too.

Also on the need-to-do-it-soon list are water tanks. We'll need at least four - two collection tanks to catch rain water off the roofs, one big-ass storage tank to put a the top of the hill to which we'll pump from the collection tanks, and one static tank for the CFA which is part of our planning requirement.

It would be ideal to get at least the collection tanks installed in time to catch some rainfall...

Also on the expensive list is the sewerage system. We've planned all along to install a worm farm, but the price of this is pretty astronomical and so we're tossing around the idea of installing a septic tank initially, then converting it to worms when we build the house proper. Supporting this reasoning is that with a worm farm, unless it sees use proportional to its design capacity the worms will die, and then its more of a worm graveyard than a farm. Our problem is that the system is designed to support both a 4-bedroom house and a 2-bedroom guest unit, but for the next few years at least we'll have only the guest unit, and even then it won't be actively used until we move in. I suspect we'll need to contact the council and find out if they'll allow us to do this...

Then I have to find an electrician. Oh, and an off-grid PV solar system. And I have another suspended concrete slab to pour over the top of the shipping container and onto the hillside.

And I haven't even begun to think about the internal fit-out...

I think this is the point where I'm supposed to spend a little more time with my project-manager's hat on :)

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