Friday, February 15, 2013

No fires, on with it

So with no sign of fire overnight or this morning, I got stuck into the garage roof.

First and foremost, before installing any more ply sheets (or walking on the rafters) I finished tying everything down - 6/40mm coach screws in each of the joist hangers to secure them, and gang nail plate and trip-l-grips to the studs at the other end, along with half a dozen nails to tie them to the jack trusses.

This roof ain't going nowhere :)

So with that done it's safe to continue installing the ply sheets.

I tell you what, it's so much easier installing roof ply when I can carry them from the bobcat onto the roof, without needing to hoist them up! They're going on nice and square too, so there's no frigging around trying to get them to land in the middle of the rafters.


About now the hillside went eerily still, and I started hearing the distant rumble of thunderstorms. A couple of nice cells developed nearby (a big black blob on the BOM radar over Broadford) and with lightning starting to flash about I thought it best to pause work in the open on the roof. Being struck by lightning is not my idea of fun...

With the approaching storm came a little rain. We didn't get much, just a sprinkle really but not knowing that in advance I moved the bobcat out of the weather.  It struck me then that I've parked it out of the rain, INSIDE our garage!!

This is the first time I've had an "inside" in the garage :) :)

Once the rain stopped I cracked on with the ply, dodging more lightning flashing around, and by 6pm had about a third of the roof done.

With all the lightning this afternoon however came the inevitable fires. My phone has been going off every hour with a new fire within 20km of the place - there's been half a dozen close enough to be a concern, just this afternoon. Thankfully the CFA have been right on top of it, but boy have they had a busy day!

Assuming we're not alight in the morning, tomorrow I'll look at completing the flat roof structure over the pump room and get some ply on that before moving on to the rest of the garage roof.

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